Graduate of the higher artistic education at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels.
Teacher at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels in secondary education.
Lives and works in Brussels.
Participated in ArtBrussels Contemporary art fair with the Pascal Retelet Gallery (Olivier Meessen).

Exhibitions in Greece, in Belgium in Gand, Mons, Charleroi, Tournai.
Scholarship and awards: Charles Buls, Leg Serrure, award of the City of Tournai, Young artists of the Parliament of the French Community.
Residency at the MAAC.

Various acquisitions in private collections and public collection (Parliament of Brussels).


It is in a gendered daily life that I test the capacity of certain elements from material life to be inscribed in a process of artistic research.
Their plasticity as well as their setting in tension and/or in balance are questioned in a close link with the question of the device.


What I aim at is a tipping point which in a double movement of divestment and re-seizure will operate through the symbolic production a change of vision.
The first and dominant perception loses its primacy.
To borrow the words of Marguerite Duras I would say that “a trial is held”: a new destiny is played out.


This praxis occupies a margin, of which it takes advantage by the emergence/creation of a “small language/aesthetic form”: an aesthetics of the entrenchment.